Astral Parasite Removal / Energetic Parasite Removal

I remove any type of energetic parasite whenever I come across them no matter what healing service you choose to have with me. If you however wish to focus on parasites specifically then this is the service for you.

What are energetic parasites or astral parasites?

Energetic types of parasites can be considered much like those in the physical world and they often mirror issues in people’s physical bodies. They are often called astral parasites because they are often found in the astral density of the aura or existence. However, they may be present in other planes of existence.

Some parasites I and others, also class as “etheric implants” due to the fact that they were engineered. For more information on these types of parasites please visit the Etheric Implant Removal page and the Etheric Implant Removal – Commonly asked questions page. Note that I have the same beliefs on parasites as I do etheric implants – I aim to help people with the underlying beliefs that allow parasites to be a problem and be attracted to someone in the first place, rather than maintain people’s beliefs of being victim to them.

Energetic parasites are opportunistic

What is common to all parasites is that they seem to drain the energy of the recipient. Much like bacteria and fungi, they are opportunists that take advantage of an already weakened situation (caused by judgement/belief/trauma etc). This is why they are often found in painful, diseased or degenerating areas of the body – for example over a chronically painful and restricted shoulder joint or over arthritic knees.

Because they rely on energy to feed off, some like to travel via the internet, phone and via electrical circuits. When removing them from clients I very often get the symbol of a computer or phone to indicate where the parasite came from. The other most common method of transference is simply by passing next to someone close enough so that they can jump on you. For this reason, I highly recommend that practitioners of any kind who come into close contact with people regularly, check themselves frequently and continue to work on their awareness. If you are going to someone for healing, you might like to ask them whether they cleanse their body on a regular basis ;-).

Protective techniques & devices are useful but not a long-term fix

When I used to practice psychic protection, I quite often saw parasites trying to get through my protective golden bubble. The bubble did work very well as the parasites would simply just slide around it, however I found that it took up too much time continually checking my protection. Some of you may prefer for the moment to use psychic protection and so I still teach techniques for this purpose, which I am happy to do during a session.

Devices that protect you from electronics equipment (such as those in my various blog articles) can also help reduce the likelihood of parasite attachment.

I have also found that those that have a healthy and supportive diet are at much less risk of getting energetic/astral parasites. They also have a greater resistance to damage from EMFs. I’m sorry to say this but a vegan diet for most people is the worst for protection because they don’t have all genes activated to make certain nutrients in their bodies. Vegetarian diets can be great so long as the source of dairy is from animals that feed on what they naturally would (i.e. not grains and manufactured feed) and that they are not injected with chemicals and not eating off land that has been sprayed. Ideally the dairy should be un-pasteurised too as that makes a huge difference.

These are examples of pieces of advice that may be given during a session

Energetic parasites take advantage of weaknesses in your aura that stem from beliefs, judgements, traumas and anything else that you hold onto.

Ultimately the main reason energetic parasites can attach to you in the first place is by the judgements/beliefs that you hold onto and due to you lowering your awareness about them. Thus much like dealing with entities, the only permanent solution is by raising the vibration of your aura, especially of weakened areas by empowering yourself – removing your judgements and other limitations and by gaining in awareness.

When I finally came across Access Consciousness who taught that it was far more effective to drop protective barriers and the judgements that made me think I needed protection in the first place, it became easier. Having barriers to something means that you are judging that something. The judgement literally causes a weakness in your energy field, enabling parasites to interact with you more easily. Thus by dropping your judgements, you don’t need protection and you don’t even have to worry about parasites as they simply cannot latch onto you in the first place. The Demon Clearing Statements on my blog are designed to help you over time in this respect.

How do I remove energetic parasites?

Parasites are generally easy to remove and simple techniques such as that taught by Magnetic Healers Unlimited or Reiki techniques are more than enough to remove or dissolve them. I often see them being removed by people who are not clairvoyant and who often do not know what they are removing – they just can feel that it is low vibrational and pull it away.

During a session with me, I simply use any of the healing techniques I know such as pulling them out of the aura or dissolving them with higher vibrational energy. You can see an explanation of how these techniques work by visiting the Aura & Chakra Healing page here.

During a healing session with me, if you do have problems with parasites, as well as removing some of the trickier ones, I will spend time using techniques to reduce your susceptibility to them and I expect you to continue to work on your limitations as “homework” such that they will eventually not bother you ever again.

If you would like an appointment whether absently, via Skype or in person, then please go to the bookings page here.

Types of Parasites

Parasites come in all shapes and sizes. Some implants I also classify as parasites which you can read about here. Some entities can be classified as parasites too – it is all a matter of perception of the healer/psychic.

Otherwise here are some of the main types I come across:

Wetiko Parasites

I had been removing these for years before I realised that many people call them ‘Wetikos’. They look to me star-shaped things like star fish or even octopus shaped with the bigger ones. I very often find these on diseased or degenerated areas of the body and on removal often gives quick and significant relief. I find these all over the body, especially around the back of the body where often people don’t look/spend time healing.

They simply drain the area they are attached to and jump on someone else when they come across someone with more energy and who isn’t protected.

Worm/Snake Parasites

Can be found anywhere in the body though not usually on the surface. Like all parasites, to sensitive people, they can be uncomfortable to feel inside the body. They vary in size from being thick and long to thin and short. For those of you who sense apparatus inside you as well as these, please contact me. I won’t write what this may be about as it isn’t very nice reading about it. Suffice to say that the apparatus can be difficult to fully detect and remove and involves interacting with entities too.

‘Blob’ Parasites

I haven’t come across another name for these, so ‘blob’ is what I have named them for now! They look mostly like slug shaped things. These are commonly transmitted via electronics devices and can quickly cause aches where they are attached. I most commonly find these on people’s necks which can give them neck and head aches.

Booking and paying for an appointment

If you would like to have an Energetic Parasite / Astral Parasite removal session with me, you can use the calendar to book an appointment and also pay for the appointment on my bookings page here.