A couple of posts ago I talked about how the cabal might use a fake alien invasion or even a fake peaceful ET landing in order to bring about their plans of global domination (https://www.grantpodesta.com/uncategorized/possible-fake-alien-invasion/). If you haven’t read this first then please do as I will not repeat what I have said there.
In this blog I will talk about how it might be used to target star seeds in particular.
How a fake alien invasion may be used against “star seeds”
From one perspective, all humans are star seeds as humanity descended from the Lyran race that is not from here. However the term “star seed” in the context I usually use it, simply means those points of consciousness-awareness, often called souls, that have recently come directly from source or via the immersion pod technology of ET races.
Especially in the latter case, many star seeds have varying degrees of knowledge about the existence of ETs. Most of us don’t remember much due to the veil of forgetfulness we agreed to, in order to experience being human, yet the memory wipe is never complete and people usually have some sort of knowing that there is a lot of intelligent life beyond this planet. Others may have more memory if they agreed to not have their memory of their other life/lives wiped though these are far fewer in number.
The cabal through their 3-letter agencies and secret societies etc have influenced and controlled spiritual subjects and the existence of ETs from the very start – it is important for you understand what I term the “mainstream-alternative media” I wrote about in a previous blog if you are unaware of this. Basically they have promoted certain people knowingly or not, willingly or not, to be prominent figures in the alternative communities to mix in lies with truths to sow confusion, whilst ridiculing those that hold the truth, among other such tricks, to make it hard for people to see the truth about ETs and spiritual subjects in general.
Sorry people but like it or not and despite the seemingly great things promised, Steven Greer is controlled opposition as part of this cabal plan!- you’ll never get anything true about ETs by going through governments who never have and never will give us the whole truth about something that will highlight how corrupt they are!
Currently, even though the cabal play these games, star seeds can still write about ETs and spiritual subjects fairly freely. Yes, a lot of things on the bigger platforms do get censored, and it can be hard to sift through and work out what is true or not and whether someone is unknowingly or intentionally misleading people, but at least we can get hold of information to work things out for ourselves.
But, what will likely happen after a fake ET invasion, or fake peaceful ET landing?
Once ETs are officially recognised by religious and government figures then information about ETs will become true for the masses, through the mainstream media. The governments, like they do for everything, will bring in new laws to control information about ETs. In other words it’ll be a regulated subject and anyone who says different to their spin on the subject of ETs will be targeted as criminals.
And why would they want to shut-up star seeds? It would simply not help their plans of gaining more control of the population.
They would like to use an ET invasion to bring in new laws to control people for their “safety” and to unite people under one banner “the new world order” that they keep rabbiting on about. Or of course they could try a fake peaceful ET landing where the ETs will advise the governments to make new laws for people stay indoors, not travel, eat crappy food etc in order to “save the planet” not realising that it is a fake story to yet again gain more control over people.
Any star seed that has true knowledge of ETs would of course thwart these plans, because as many of you already know, ETs are here already and have been for the entire history of this planet. Many races are watching over us right now and if they really wanted to invade they would have done so already. Likewise, if we really were destroying the planet to the degree we are told in our media, they would have intervened already.
Of course, that is a broad statement and there is more to the subject of what ETs are or are not doing. You could also say from another perspective that Earth had already been invaded long ago and that the cabal groups are created and encouraged by those invaders. That is a story for another time. however.
Regardless, a fake invasion/landing for the cabal will kill two birds with one stone. They will be able to control information coming from star seeds via new laws, even to the extent of locking some of us up and at the same time bring in new laws to control the population further.
Their plans will not work if enough people become aware of them
There is no guarantee that a fake invasion will happen.
In fact part of the reason why I am writing about a possible fake invasion is to prevent it from happening.
It is a bit like knowing that companies put product placements in the background of films. It goes into the subconscious because our conscious minds do not compute enough data for us to spot it usually. Then when a thought about that product comes up from our subconscious to our conscious mind, we have a habit as humans to think it must be our thought and even for some, that we really do want that product.
However, if you are aware that that sort of thing is done in the background of movies, then the “spell” (as weaved by the wand, made of holy wood – why hollywood is called what it is!) doesn’t have the intended effect on you.
In other words once you know the plan, the plan cannot work through you because you are conscious of it and thus can choose not to manifest it.
I know some people might say that by me writing about such things, that I am bringing this idea into people’s minds and thus bringing people’s creative attention to it and making it more likely to become true. This is not correct in my opinion.
That possibility of a fake alien invasion is already there in the human energy field as put there by the cabal (even though from a higher perspective we have all contributed to its existence). Hiding your head in the sand simply allows such a future to continue to exist and grow in the sub or unconsciousness or humanity, including within ourselves.
Spiritual practices are not there to shy away from the dark things (or even good things) in our shadow selves. Through formal meditation and mindfulness practices we become more aware of what we previously were not, and when such things come to the surface of our minds, through those practices, we learn to not allow those thoughts to dictate us and our actions. Unless they are in alignment with what we wish of course!
This is why it is a powerful thing to become aware of what is going on with humanity. We can literally stop such ridiculous future events from happening. Once we know the plans, the cabal’s spell weakens and if enough of us awaken to it, the spell fails all together.
You can find more information and opinions on this subject on the following youtube channels and part of why I have written this blog is to support these channels efforts about this subject: