Originally published sometime in October 2021
Apart from the odd message encouraging people to meditate, it has been a long time since I wrote a blog message.
Partly laziness. Partly needing some space to tune into different matters for myself. Partly because not writing became a habit.
One of the big reasons was that I felt something was off, both within me and therefore what I was offering people but also in the new-age/spiritual/truther, whatever you would like to call it, community. I shall write a bit about this in upcoming blogs, likely starting off by looking at what you might call the “alternative-mainstream media”.
For now however, I’d like to talk about the other big reason for not writing – not giving enough attention to my “lower Self”. To avoid confusion here, when I say lower self, I mean the perception you are currently perceiving from, versus the higher self being the consciousness that is mostly beyond what you can currently perceive.
It is common in spiritual/new-age circles to view the lower Self as bad/wrong or at least not as good as the “higher Self”. The higher Self is often considered something to strive for even to the point of trying to dissolve the lower Self and/or the ego (even though the ego continues to exist in a different capacity in higher versions of yourself!).
But there is a point to the lower Self isn’t there? What would be the point of all-that-is/source/god/oneness separating itself into an unlimited number of individual points-of-view, or selves if you like, if there wasn’t some importance to it?
I would say that source can better understand itself having all these perceptions of itself given by all its individuated perception-consciousnesses we often call souls. Hence it can also be able to have more information with which to be able to create more from all the information and ideas that come from those individuals. You could say therefore from this model that we feed source by this experience of being an individual, an individual like no other one.
Even from the point of view of the higher Self, which is closer to source, there is a benefit of dividing itself into lower consciousnesses. You could say that incarnating on earth, forgetting our other lives/experiences and experiencing a slower manifestation of life that is part of being human, makes us face things we would normally have easily ignored or escaped in higher vibrational states. In this way we face a lot more contrast. This contrast in turn helps us more easily define what we desire to experience or not and build up the strength to be able to shift our vibration to what we desire more easily over time. Often the earth experience is so slow changing that it might be that you do not reap the benefits until the next life – yes, please prove me wrong on this one!
There is a lot of experience of being separate from source and others in Earthly life. This creates conflict, hiearchy, lack, fight, flight and all sorts of other things related to duality. Born out of this however is ultimately love. You cannot go very far into separation without realising that you ultimately fail and that you can do greater things when involving all parts of your Self and other Selves. The Earth experience therefore ultimately propels you back towards unity consciousness, along with all sorts of creative ideas that come from the experience.
Though there can be relief from realising you exist after death and beyond a human life, putting energy into fully living a human life benefits you, everyone around you and radiates out into the cosmos. So from my perspective, there is great importance to being an individual consciousness. A “Lower Self”. Just imagine what Earth would be like if everyone worked towards their own desires and beliefs. A planet of people with over 7 billion completely different points-of-view yet in allowance of each other and helping each other manifest what each wishes!
It is from this standpoint that I decided to express more of what my human Self, the part of me writing this, perceives, rather than just observing life go by like watching a film or playing a video game without being fully engrossed!
Hopefully this spurs you on to being yourself more, rather than following some prescribed or expected route to happiness. As Dain Heer has said in his teachings “Be yourself, change the world”. You are very much missed on this planet when you don’t be who and what you truly desire to be!