Originally published sometime mid 2022
This is a subject that shouldn’t come as a shock to many, but is useful to know anyway.
Awakening happens in many ways. In fact there are an infinite number of paths, especially if we take into account consciousnesses, physical or not, outside of this reality/planet.
What is common to all forms of awakening is growth. Growth that may initially lead you away from or against others even, but ultimately results in reconnection, remembering, healing, expansion, empowerment and incorporation, to name but a few words. Learning is a big part of this.
I will leave aside the discussion of how the more we learn, the more we realise we don’t know much if anything at all. Let’s for the moment agree that there are agreements we have made in order to experience being human together, and while our perspectives are different, they have commonalities such as gravity, the existence of time, that you cannot put a hand through a wall etc etc
In fact, learning is one of the excuses (as if I need any excuses!) why I have not written in a while. I have mostly been learning a professional electrician’s course to be able to install electrics in UK homes, which has been taking up a lot of my time. I am also learning Swedish, learning to play guitar, learning about crypto currencies and attempting to comprehend ET knowledge from channels such as Cosmic Agency, among many other things.
The energetic side
I consider these things to be a part of my awakening process even if it may not seem that way to others. It may help to remember that awakening can happen in many ways. While some forms of meditation for example can greatly help with tuning into and experiencing densities of energy/consciousness we are not normally invested in, and hence learn a great deal from it, you can still tap into those realities without meditating.
I noticed when I was a competition standard cross-country runner for example that running was a meditative experience. I was so focused on running that my body and mind were being trained to not waste energy on thoughts, body processes and actions that would make my running inefficient. So my running often felt like I was floating over the terrain rather than it being an effort to force it to happen. This is why I was fascinated with the Japanese who turned a lot of everyday practices into something “spiritual”, such as tea making.
Even if you are not trying to be present in the moment as per mindfulness techniques, there are great benefits energetically to learning things you’ve always wanted to or were attracted to do. You may have read from me in the past or heard directly from me if you’ve had an appointment with me, how much energy is wasted when you resist your heart’s desires. Chakras are slowed down/closed to some extent, energy circuits like meridians don’t flow so well and eventually energy blocks/energy cysts start to form in our energetic field, and if left will, affect the physical body too.
Following your desires, which involves learning new things, reverses those effects. It frees up more energy to enable healing, more ease in your body and hence more joy. More energy is required to unlock the dormant DNA and create more brain connections, that so many in the spiritual/new-age community talk about. More energy is also needed for many spiritual experiences such as astral travel for example.
So each time I put time into learning something new (which I don’t always want to do if the ego perceives that it is hard or tiresome!), I gradually feel freer energetically. I also feel more confident in this reality as I start to see day-by-day that I can grow and make a difference in my personal life and to others around. I have less of a need for governance by others too.
The physical perspective
From a physical/physiological perspective, learning helps you create new and more connections in the brain and nervous system. More connections means that you can interpret greater volumes of information. This can result in comprehending things that would otherwise be difficult such as what may seem like paradoxes, being able to sense more of what is going on in your body, be able to hear/see/taste/smell/feel more, being able to connect to your energetic field, other realities, contact other beings etc etc
It is well known that neurological disorders can greatly benefit from learning (the diet side I can talk about another time). Dyslexia for example greatly benefits from learning things that require coordination and hence more connections within the brain such as learning to juggle or doing sports that require balance and hand-eye coordination.
So does learning electrical installation last year and the next few years help me with my awakening? Absolutely! I am making new brain connections, learning different ways of understanding and explaining the aura and energy models of it, learning how modern electrics affects our energy fields and physical bodies, learning how to apply what I understand with electrics to make things that that can harmonise our relationships with electric things and even benefit our awakening. On top of that my business can grow in new and interesting directions, I can help friends and myself with electrical installations and as mentioned above with the energetic side, I have freed up more energy by following what I have desired to look into for many years.
As a last note, being exposed to new/different information is very important to me. I have looked over a huge amount of spiritual, religious, new-age and scientific information over the years. While meditation and energy healing has helped me greatly, being able to comprehend all these different sources and the myriad of different paths they could lead to, including contradictory advice/info, has been a huge part of the awakening process. I would not have even tried meditation had I not read about the different opinions of what it was all about and the scientific research of the benefits of it. Same too with healing – the science and peoples explanations of it and dis-eases they claimed it helped them with very much helped me look into it.
Likewise, looking into different theories of other awakened people, scientific reports, quantum mechanical theories, channeled information, direct ET contact information… has very much influenced what I have chosen to explore with healing, within meditation, with practices in my daily life for manifesting, health, relationships with myself and others, that in turn bolsters my desire for and growth in the unique path of awakening I desire.
I know many of you understand what I have written already, but hopefully this helps some to know how important learning and following what the heart truly desires is. That the process of learning is important for awakening and that you don’t have to just sit in meditation to grow, raise your vibration and be happy.