Originally published on 27th October 2021
“Viral shedding” is simply a term describing how viral particles leave the body of an infected person. However this term is being used more recently in relation to people who have recently had a vaccination.
As many of you know by reading my posts, I do not believe in viruses existing as the established medical profession sees them, more that they are exosomes – an inert container of cell debris from struggling cells, rather than some living organism that supposedly mutates and has to use host cells to reproduce.
My view on viruses aside, there does appear to be something that passes out of people who have recently been vaccinated that can cause others to be ill. This has already been documented, especially in the internal research of vaccine companies as a real phenomenon. It has even affected hospital procedures. For example, already for many years in certain countries, you could not visit someone on a cancer ward if you had received a vaccine of any sort in the last 2-3 weeks because of the risk posed to the cancer patients.
When you think of how they say a vaccine should work, this doesn’t make much sense does it? A true vaccine contains only parts of the contagion, not “alive” contagions, to stimulate the body of the vaccined person to produce antibodies to combat any real contagion in the future. But even if these contagion pieces were coming out of the skin of someone recently vaccinated, someone working in close proximity would not be receiving anywhere near the concentration of these particles as the vaccinated person and so would not be very likely to have a strong reaction.
Even if you take into account all the other ingredients contained in vaccines, many of which are highly toxic by the way, a person spending some time around the vaccinated person isn’t going to be getting much of that – only tiny quantities are going to be coming out of that persons skin and bodily fluids. The majority of which will not reach other people as it will end up in the toilet, a tissue or simply diffuse away in the air!
Despite all this, there does appear to be a lot of people getting ill around those that have been vaccinated. It may be that this has always been the case and that the con-vid vaccines have been paid more close attention than other vaccines in the past. Lets face it, how many people have been so concerned about whether or not you’ve had vaccines in the past, enough to bother asking you about them? It is also possible that these con-vid vaccines are simply a lot more toxic than those of the past.
In fact lets quickly look at some ingredients some people have recently reported in the alternative media.
A brief update to vaccine contents
There are reports from independant researchers that there are ingredients not listed in official nor most alternative media sources. So far, they have identified proteins bound to RNA in ALL of the con-vid vaccines. I’m not talking here about the mRNA particles that most people talk about. These appear therefore to be enzymes that can interact with genetic material. Whether to cut, insert, substitute or delete DNA it is unknown.
Graphene-oxide is also reported to be in ALL of the con-vid vaccines. It has been theorised that the enzyme above is contained in the vesicles that people have already identified in the vaccines previously, and that the graphene nano-particles somehow recognise the protein markers on those vesicles. The bound graphene nano-particles are then able to take the vesicles to certain cells of the body that have the correct cell membrane markers with which they are programmed to interact with. In this way the DNA/RNA enzyme can be introduced to the cells of the body as desired by their makers. This is probably why vaccines appear to target reproductive organs.
Now, all this is theory and speculation and I have no proof but I do trust that there is some truth to this. As far as the nano-tech especially, I have no understanding on how it works and especially on how they are made. This aspect is far beyond the typical medical and technological knowledge known by people on the surface of this planet as far as I’m concerned. Again the Cosmic Agency channel on Odessey have made a video about their findings which is the most detailed I have come across. It is up to you whether you believe what they have reported or not.
I will write more about ways of mitigating things, especially the graphene-oxide in a future blog post, once I have a little more information. Anyway, back to the main theme of this article…
Vaccine ingredients end up in the water supply!
Though the jury is very much out about
how vaccines can cause affects in others, one thing is for sure – the different chemicals, aborted foetal cells and anything else that is contained in vaccines eventually ends up in the water supply.
Drugs and other chemicals that get flushed from people’s homes have been known for some time to end up in the water supply. The water in London for example is known to have traces of cocaine, oestrogens and a whole host of different household chemicals and pharmaceuticals in the mains water that comes out of people’s taps. You might remember from a previous post that I mentioned that water companies were considering using graphene oxide filters for water “purification” too, so that will be in the tap water eventually even without all the con-vid test kit ingredients etc adding to it.
Yes, the water companies do filter out the vast majority of things, but they are certainly not perfect. My Wife’s nutritionist course mentioned this in their literature as advice to their clients. Many water filter companies mention this too in their literature to show how well their filters perform, so it is certainly not an unknown phenomenon.
So the main reason I decided to write this blog article was to highlight the fact that many people who are worried about avoiding vaccine contents entering their bodies, have not yet thought about what water they are using to drink, cook food in, clean and shower with.
Do I think that it is a big concern? Well put it this way, it would take a huge amount of water to be drunk and bathed in to get the same amount of toxins as what you get from an individual con-vid test swab, let alone from a vaccine. However, it all adds up in the end, and if certain compounds, that we have yet to understand how they affect our bodies, are accumulating in our water supply, then I feel it is a good investment for future health to look at the quality of your water.
There are already news reports of corporations considering putting compounds into grown foods in order to “vaccinate” people via the food they eat, further contributing to the water supply being affected.
There are more immediate concerns with our water supply – flouride
What is of more immediate concern is that large amounts of chloride and if you live in certain areas, like the USA and some parts of Australia, New Zealand and the UK or on any of the numerous UN military bases around the world, then flouride is a major problem. Many of you know about the neuro-toxic effects of flouride, especially clogging up the pineal gland, so I won’t go into that here. Needless to say that many places around the world are pushing for more flouridation. Here in the UK they are planning already to flouridate all areas, using that age-old lie of protecting people from tooth decay!
While we have a lot of unknowns about how concentrated the constituents of vaccines and other drugs may be in our water (which is still a reason I feel to obtain good quality water!) the bigger issues with the water coming to your home are to do with the chemicals the water companies put into your water on purpose that are in much higher concentrations.
To that end, I highly suggest looking into how you get better quality water. In order to not make each of my posts too long (some of them have been more like long essays recently!) I’ll give some water purification advice on the next blog post.
Author: admin
Healer, climber, traveler. Explorer of consciousness & reality.
Former biochemist, personal trainer and osteopath. Now a full-time energy, consciousness & spiritual healer and teacher.
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